Residency Permit for Job Seekers
If you are a student with a higher education and have received a grade higher than a 6, you can qualify to Apply for a “Residency Authorization to Job Search” also known as a job seeker permit. This is a Residency permit that allows you to reside in Spain for one year while you look for a job or start a new business.
Who requests it?
The aim of this type of visa is to allow talent like you to live in Spain while you job search, giving you the opportunity to be part of making Spain a center of excellence. Spain is currently undergoing a profound transformation in many fields of knowledge making it an incredible opportunity for you to be part of. This visa is specifically tailored to students like you, international talent making Spain competitive on the international stage. The residency permit is created to job search or to undertake an entrepreneurial idea, attracting and retaining foreign talent, like you, that comes to Spain.
To obtain this visa to job search or undertake an entrepreneurial project is exclusively for foreign students.
To qualify you must have previously obtained a student visa and you must have completed your studies an accredited institution in Spain (An institution authorized by Spain). Additionally, you must have obtained at least a Level 6 according to the European Qualifications Framework.
You must have previously held a student visa permitting you to study at a higher educational institution in Spain and be within the period of legal extension of this authorization.
This permit is only applicable to third-country nationals, thus not affecting EU citizens or their families who enjoy the free movement rights of the European Union.
Completion of studies in an institution of higher education. This includes “University education, higher artistic education, professional training of a higher degree, higher degree of professional education of arts and design, and sports education of a higher degree.”
You must have also obtained at least a 6 according to the European Qualifications Framework.
If to obtain the degree you are required to complete compulsory training or internships, the studies will have been completed after the completion of the trainings. These can be carried out within the framework of your student visa. If an extension if necessary, you may apply for one.
Procedure and duration of authorization
Application for this residency permit are addressed to the Government Delegation or Sub delegation in the province you plan to reside in.
With your application you must include supporting documents certifying your compliance with the requirements.
The Application must be presented within the 60 days before the expiration of the student visa, or during the 90 days after its expiration.
Once the application is registered, we will proceed with processing it to assess the presented documents.
If there are any missing documents, you will be required to submit them and will have 10 days to remedy the situation. If the documentation is not provided in the required period, the request will be considered withdrawn and will be archived, issuing the appropriate resolution for this purpose.
Family Situation
If during the validity of your student visa in Spain you have been accompanied by your dependent relatives in a legal situation as relatives of the student, you will be able to continue to be accompanied by them.
Family members are able to maintain their authorization as dependent relatives and their permits will be linked to the residency permit for job searching of the main holder, in this case, you.
The relatives who may accompany the holder of a residency permit to search for a job or undertake an entrepreneurial venture must be those already in Spain and who have previously obtained a permit to stay as the relative of a student.
The application for residency permits for family members can be submitted jointly to that of the principal residency permit.
The period of Validity of this permit for family members will expire at the expiration of the principal authorization.
Family members will not have the right to work so long as they are holders of this residency permit as family members.
Employment or New Entrepreneurship Requirements and Modifications
During the validity of the residency permit for job seekers or to undertake a business venture, the holder will be authorized to seek employment in accordance with the level of studies completed or to undertake a business project.
You are not authorized to work during the validity of the residence authorization meaning that it is vitally important to have enough economic means for this period. This requirement will be considered when deciding the resolution of your case
Once you have been granted the corresponding permit and during the entirety of its validity, in the event of finding a suitable job in relation to the level of studies completed, or have undertaken a business venture, you must request the corresponding visa.
In order to determine if the job is adequate for the level of studies completed, an individual analysis of the job offer as well as the studies will be carried out.
This adapting of the level of completed studies is not required when the holder of the permit undertakes a business venture.
A priori it is not required to have a contract or job offer to apply for this residency permit for job search.
In the event that the residency permit is requested from those regulated in the Organic Law 4/2000 and its Regulations, the National Employment Situation will apply. For the non-applicants of the national employment situation, foreigners are required to have been in Spain for at least one year with legal residency.
In the event that a residency permit is required from those regulated by the Law 14/2013, the national employment situation will not apply. If during the validity of this authorization or after twelve months you have not found a job, you can reapply for a student visa as long as you meet the established requirements.
*Our contribution from Duguech & Dip
- We will have an initial exploratory meeting to understand your current Student Visa situation.
- We will provide you with a list of the requirements adapted to your current situation.
- We will study your documentation and, if necessary, we will request the corresponding additional documents.
- We are available for any questions or advice you may need via telephone regarding your procedure or documentation.
- The application for residency will be submitted electronically and we will monitor your case as it is processed.
- In the event that the application for residency authorization for job search gets a favorable resolution, we will prepare the next steps in order to receive the TIE.
- We will accompany you on the day you are summoned for fingerprints and biometric data in order to get the TIE issued.
- In the case you have to leave unexpectedly or are going to visit your family, we will give you the support you need to obtain the Return Authorization.
- We offer face-to-face or telephone consultants in case you get a job offer or begin an entrepreneurship project and you need to modify your residency authorization.
* This information does not constitute legal advice under any circumstances, serving for informational purposes only. If you need professional services, please contact us.
Gustavo Duguech Torrente Socio. HR Laboral Global Mobility Tlf. 91 825 9253