Working in Spain
You will need to obtain a work permit in order to stay in Spain if, for example, you are a foreign professional and a Spanish company wishes to employ you, or you are the employee of a company that is temporarily relocating you to their Spanish office.
There are different types of work permits; depending on your situation you will need to apply for one or another. The global mobility department at Duguech & Dip can help you process the right application to obtain the most appropriate temporary work permit for you and comply with all regulations.
We also offer consultancy to businesses that wish to send workers abroad and employ them in Spain.
Our services
- We can advise you on the right permit to meet your needs and professional activity.
- We will also give you legal assistance on immigration applications.
- You can process your application with our instructions or we can do it for you.
- Our services include a thorough follow up on the application process.
- In case of any issues or when you need to renew your permit, we’ll be here to help.
Do you know what type of work permit you need to request in order to work in Spain?
Our expert advice

If you have finished your MBA in Spain and there is a company that wishes to hire you, you can request the permit for highly qualified personnel. We can help you.