Income Tax Return 2022-2023
From April 11 until June 30 is the deadline established for Spaniards to file, as every year, the Income Tax Return.
- One of the novelties of this year is that taxpayers who receive incomes of less than 15,000€ and who come from more than one payer will not be obliged to declare. Up to now, the limit was €14,000 per year.
- In the case of individuals with a single payer, taxpayers who have earned less than €22,000 gross in 2022 will be exempt from filing a tax return.
- People who work as employees and have two children are not obliged to file the tax return if they earn less than €19,000.
- However, even if the income obtained is less than €22,000, if they want to apply tax deductions, they must file their income tax return.
Regional changes
Some Autonomous Communities already apply changes in the Personal Income Tax deductions. For this reason, it is convenient to consult the list of novelties that each Autonomous Community makes for the Income Tax Return campaign.
- Asturias has a new fiscal aid for the purchase of electric cars.
- Andalusia has implemented a deduction for educational expenses or has extended the one granted in case of the birth of a child.
- Navarra has established incentives for the improvement of the energy efficiency of housing.
- Galicia will equalize deductions for large families and those with two children.
The cultural voucher and the €200 check.
This type of benefit is considered a capital gain. The Treasury recalls that the €200 check is a capital gain and must be declared. As regards the young cultural voucher, taxpayers will have to pay tax on the amount spent during the past year, as well as on other aids received, such as those for rent, for example.
Private pension plans
In contributions to private pension plans there are changes at the national level. From 2022, the maximum individual contribution to a private pension plan with the right to deduction is reduced to €1,500 per year. Previously the limit was 2,000.
The amount cannot be more than 30% of net income from work and other economic activities.
The maximum contributions to company plans are increased to €8,500 per year.
Tax on large fortunes
The temporary solidarity tax on large fortunes approved by the Government means that taxpayers with large capital (over three million euros) will have to pay a slightly higher percentage of taxes.
If you need legal advice about the Income Tax Declaration, schedule an appointment with us. Call us. In Duguech&Dip we are here to help you.
Since legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, nothing on this article should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent legal counsel. The content on this article is offered only as information. And does not constitute solicitation or provision of legal advice. You should always consult a suitably qualified lawyer regarding any specific legal problem or matter.